Bryan Aguirre - 2023-06-20
They never answer that cell phone, one makes more than 10 calls and no call is answered BAD SERVICE "ESQUIPULAS AGENCY" ... they have numbers for fun ……. 06/20/23
😁It really improved the service time and unlike the previous place it is easier to find parking
😡They never answer that cell phone, one makes more than 10 calls and no call is answered BAD SERVICE ...
Tipo | Shop & Service Point |
Dirección | Boulevard Quirio Cataño, Esquipulas, Guatemala |
Horario de atención | |
Agendar | |
Télefono | +502 2474 4444 |
Mapa | Mapa Cómo llegar Vista de calle |
Servicios |
Bryan Aguirre - 2023-06-20
They never answer that cell phone, one makes more than 10 calls and no call is answered BAD SERVICE "ESQUIPULAS AGENCY" ... they have numbers for fun ……. 06/20/23
Ggamer - 2023-05-04
Mishandling of fragile products and terrible attention
Arturo Agustín - 2023-02-06
It really improved the service time and unlike the previous place it is easier to find parking
Brandon A. Hernández - 2023-07-07
Accessible and easy to find
Laura Mariana Vividor Romero - 2022-09-28
Good service