Cargo Expreso

Cargo Expreso, Ciudad de Guatemala - Cargo Expreso Agencias

馃榿Very good attention, prices that adapt to the pocket of all people, personally I have used the shipm...
馃槨They never delivered the product, they always gave excuses for delivery, they charged me for shippin...

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Cargo Expreso Cerca de Mi - Cargo Expreso Near Me

Cargo Expreso, Ciudad de Guatemala
Tipo Shop & Service Point
Direcci贸n Avenida Elena, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Horario de atenci贸n
T茅lefono +502 2474 4444
Mapa Mapa C贸mo llegar Vista de calle

Mapa - Cargo Expreso, Ciudad de Guatemala

C贸mo llegar -> Cargo Expreso, Ciudad de Guatemala


Karen Rossell - 2023-05-16

They never delivered the product, they always gave excuses for delivery, they charged me for shipping and I had to go pick up the package, they did not refund my money

Fredy Amilcar Yat Hoenes - 2021-10-12

Very good attention, prices that adapt to the pocket of all people, personally I have used the shipment many times and what I send always arrives, 100% recommended and guaranteed. You can send small things and big things.. 馃憣馃馃挭馃挭馃挭

Ligia Garc铆a - 2022-12-22

Very disappointed with the prices for shipping very small packages (less than 1 pound), almost Q75, when a year ago they were Q35, they doubled, it is no longer convenient to send with those high prices 馃憥馃徎

Miguel Vargas - 2022-05-22

Regarding the staff, they do a good job, as far as vehicles are concerned, 50%, all their roads are in poor physical condition, only the panels are somewhat modern

Mario Herrera - 2022-12-28

Good service time is time it closes 5:50 PM not one more minute not one MINUTE less he stayed outside he stayed until tomorrow to RETURN BECAUSE TIME IS TIME to CLOSE HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023